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Feel like firing everyone?

BREATHE...  This is totally fixable.

A skilled Second-in-Command will organize your business systems and unlock your company's trapped growth.

Switch to doing the work you love. 

Without a Great Second-in-Command

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You're always on defense
  • There's no time for strategic thinking or innovation when you're running the day to day.

  • Growth grinds to a halt.  

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You're Chief Firefighter
  • Inconsistent processes means reduced productivity and missed opportunities.

  • You're leaving money on all kinds of tables.

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You're always replacing people
  • The poor communication, shifting priorities, and lack of clarity drive out all the best people.

Photo of Keith Curran

"Diane analyzed our efforts...and offered integration thoughts, ideas, and recommendations that made our Annual Pulse Meeting A great success...""

Keith Curran 

Focus on the Next Big Thing.

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You need a Strategic Partner/2iC Coach.

An evolutionary — finding all the small changes that move the needle.

One who lives to improve policies, processes, tools, and culture.

The result is you,
lifted out of the weeds and minutiae. 



You’re not captive to your business.


The company runs off a detailed business plan with prioritized targets, focused KPIs, and action items.


There’s always clarity on the path, targets, roles, and accountabilities.


There’s full business oversight (review the financials and metrics, look for opportunities) as we implement your plan.


Coaching keeps you on track and accelerates your results.

photo of Latina woman working at computer
  • Faster growth.

  • Increased profit and higher valuation.

  • Keep more employees, longer.

  • Borrow for less.


And take a vacation. A real one.

Meet your family again 😀 Touch some grass.

The first step is finding someone you trust.

That starts here.

Join a free event, or

book a confidential call to talk about the future. For you and your company.


Clarify goals. Firm up operations. And equip your 2iC to build durability and growth into your business.


(live, fast-paced sessions)

Prepare for Growth Intensive.
  • Clarity on goals and structure.

  • Insights on current strategy and KPIs.

  • Custom growth roadmap.

  • Actions you can take immediately.  

Create Accountability Intensive.
  • Clarity on roles and responsibilities from the top down.

  • Functional organizational charts (current and future).

  • Accountability plan.

Align Strategy to Goals Intensive
  • Clarity on core KPIs/metrics.

  • Insights on supporting KPIs.

  • Plan to align accountabilities for each role so they support KPIs.

Advising & Coaching

Business Operations Advising & 2iC Coaching
  • Strengthen the CEO/2iC dynamic.

  • Foster growth.

  • Create clarity and uncover roadblocks.

  • Focus operations.

  • Accelerate results for the business.

Career Success Coaching for Second-in-Commands
  • Fortify your skills.

  • Reframe how you look at the role and operations.

  • Prepare for a company jump.

2iC Fast Track Sessions

Peer Group (exclusively for Second-in-Commands)
  • Solve your challenges faster.

  • Expand your knowledge base.

  • Get energized by sharing your expertise.

  • Advance your career.

young African American man at desk

Get Back to the Work You Love

Thanks for submitting!

Diane Mentzer

Photo of Diane E. Mentzer


You can tell Diane that your team makes avoidable mistakes. Or even that your business stops making sense to you sometimes. She’ll see the through-line, explain the why, and partner with your second-in-command to fix it. 

A master second-in-command (with a minor in being a visionary herself*) Diane can see an entrepreneur’s vision, and the path to get there. Her 25 years of hands-on experience puts your company’s challenges into context and often lets you shortcut to the solution.


*Just kidding, her master’s is in Management/Management Information Systems and she’s PMP® certified.

Catipult Certified Coach Logo
EOS Integrator Master Class Rocket Fuel University badge
Project Management Professional Badge
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