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Summer's coming! Where are you and your laptop going this year?

Just kidding! But only partially....

Too many entrepreneurs/business owners take their laptops with them on vacation and spend a good portion of it working instead of letting themselves disconnect and fully engage with their family and friends.


It could be lots of things, but it's often due to lack of clarity around roles, no real second-in-command, holding on to too many day-to-day tasks, lack of core KPIs that quickly convey where things stand, lack of focus, or no shared vision of what success looks like.

If this is you...

Good news, it's fixable, and there is still time to get started before vacation season kicks in!

✨ Create an accountability chart (aka functional org chart, see yesterday's post).

✨ Clearly define your second-in-command's role and communicate that to the team.

✨ Empower your second-in-command to lead the day-to-day.

✨ Revisit your KPIs and make sure they are forward looking, that the work being done aligns with moving the needle on the most important ones, and that everyone knows the targets and end goal.

✨ Elevate yourself out of the weeds and into the owners seat.

Not only will you be able to take a real vacation...

Creating clarity, focus and alignment allows you to get back to being the big picture champion you were born to be!


P.S. I'm looking forward to seeing your laptop-free vacation pictures!


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